Ash Lee Jefferson Elementary


Dear ALJ Families,

We continue to work away, preparing plans for a safe return for our students and staff. Many staff have been in setting up classrooms, and getting the physical space of our school and playgrounds ready.

Communication from Teachers:

On Thursday, September 3rd, all families/students will receive a welcome email from their classroom teacher, outlining new routines and procedures. The email will include the name and picture of their classroom teacher, classroom number and helpful reminders. Families will also be asked questions, which will help with our arrival and dismissal procedures.

Supply Lists:

In June we provided families with a September and January supply list. Given that children will be taking home their supplies each day, we will modify the supplies that children will need to bring to school. All list items can be purchased, however, the majority will be kept at home until needed. Teachers will provide an updated list of materials that need to be sent in the first day of school. The lists will also be updated on our website.

Helpful information for families:

  • All students come with one pair of sneakers/ shoes. They will not be leaving a pair of indoor at school for the next little bit.
  • All students come with a supply kit that travels back and forth to home daily. No personal items will be left at school.
  • We will providing students with 2 cloth masks. But they should come with their own as they will require one for the bus and when entering the school. If your child does not have a mask for the first day, please contact the office at 902-860-4163.
  • In an effort to limit movement throughout the school, all children will need to bring a filled water bottle each day.

Continue to stay well and healthy!

Your ALJ Admin Team